Welcome to the site of the literary series entitled


by yvar bregeant


At a crucial moment in human history, the primary and ultimate aim of this series is to help provide as many people as possible, irrespective of colour, race, creed or social class, with a comprehensive knowledge of religion and the sacred world, so that they can distinguish the wheat from the chaff, the lies from the truth.

To achieve this, this series will first demonstrate the historical authenticity of the events of biblical Genesis.

It will do so in an original and totally innovative way, demonstrating that this account of our origins is engraved in both etymology and mythology:

In the Etymology of the oldest known sacred languages, proto-Sumerian, Sumerian and Egyptian hieroglyphic. As you will see, this will be a discovery, albeit of a sacred nature, as important as, if not more important than, having succeeded in deciphering these languages.

It will also demonstrate that the Eden story was engraved in Mythology, by the fact that the original archaic myth can be extracted by an in-depth comparative analysis of the myths of all civilisations and their symbols, and fully decoded by knowledge of these sacred languages. Indeed, while these languages underlie the names of all the divinities, they will above all prove to be the indispensable key to understanding the symbols, the language of the myth, which they themselves generated through the interplay of their specific homophonic double meanings.

These two facets of the same coin, sacred etymology and mythology, will reveal all the details of the powerful memory trace that the events of Eden have indisputably engraved on the memory of humanity.

We will also gradually see that mythology taught an antagonistic, contradictory version of the events of Eden compared with the biblical account, and that even if these events are historically true, they were not presented and interpreted in the same way, which had the effect of generating, from the outset, two antagonistic primordial religions.

We will look in detail at the teachings of mythological religion, starting with prehistoric mythology and then historical and classical mythology, and how they diverge from biblical teaching.

We will also see the close links between prehistoric mythological religion and all the Earth cults that followed.

First of all, it will be demonstrated (in the book entitled Deciphering the Language of the Caves) that the Upper Palaeolithic cave paintings correspond to the oldest known ideographic language: protosumerian. This will make it possible to understand not only the intimate linguistic but also sacred and mythological link between prehistoric mythological religion and the first civilisations of Sumer and Egypt.

We will also see the extent to which Sumer and Egypt in turn influenced all the Earth cults of the historical period.

We will see that this detailed knowledge of prehistoric mythological religion and all the symbolism to which it resorted will then enable us to unravel, one by one, all its mysteries, all its rites, including the sacred reasons for the architecture and ornamentation of its major temples, whether from the Megalithic, Ancient or more recent periods.

I’m sure that this series will appeal to believers, reinforcing their faith and helping them to reposition themselves, as well as to agnostics, atheists, supporters of the theory of evolution and simple detractors of the biblical account who see it as nothing more than a myth or a secondary myth born of myths predating Sumer, which each person then explains in his or her own way.

I should point out that I am a Christian author. Even though I will regularly state my own position, this will not prevent me, as you will see, from mainly developing and explaining the opposite version of my faith, mythological religion with all its ramifications, with the aim, once again, of shedding as much light as possible.

Let me make it clear that there is nothing esoteric about this series. It is based on two purely scientific foundations, the linguistics of the languages mentioned on the one hand, and mythology and comparative symbology on the other. This eliminates all personal and subjective interpretations specific to the esoteric world.

I sincerely hope that once you’ve reached the end of this series you’ll make the right choice.

For now, I can only thank the thousands of readers* who have flocked to the site from all over the world in the short time since it went online and was implemented.

I’ve translated it into 10 languages, because I want this knowledge to be accessible, as far as possible, free of charge, to everyone.

For the time being, I’m relying mainly on crowdfunding to make this possible.

This is a living site and its implementation will be gradual. This is why the subjects that are currently missing will gradually come to life, fairly quickly given the considerable volume of research carried out and the need for their optimised presentation.

So subscribe to my networks for article and video updates!

Many thanks for your interest and support,



An example?

Here is the very first video (with english subtitles) :

It is taken from the book “Le déchiffrage du langage des cavernes” (Deciphering the language of caves) and illustrates the fact that proto-Sumerian corresponds to the ideographic language of cave paintings by deciphering two frescoes in the Marsoulas cave (bison + signs), one of which contains a very characteristic pettiforme sign.


Ideally, you should start in the right order, i.e. with the preface, in which I explain the methodology applied in this series (the reason for using archaic linguistics, comparative mythology, etc.).

I also introduce the important consequences of my discoveries.

Finally, I’d like to give you a few tips on how to get the most out of reading it, by being ready to turn the tables on corporatism, history, science and religion, while at the same time taking a step back from its author (me!), its form and its content.

As well as reading the preface, if you’d like to take a closer look at this literary series, understand how it is structured and how it gradually tackles all these issues, volume by volume, book by book, I invite you to go to the menu structure tab:

I’ve also created a section dedicated to each of my previously published books so that you can find out more about them and a link for those who may wish to buy them.

(Because of the large number of footnotes and references, I recommend that you buy the digital version for optimum reading comfort).

I have set up a blog section where a fairly large proportion of the books and their content can be freely read online in the form of blog posts:

I’ve also found it useful to create a section entitled: the symbols dictionary. Basically, it is the online correspondence of volume 3 “The Bible of the symbol of prehistoric and ancient mythological religion” in that it provides the polysemous meaning of all the symbols that make up the sacred symbolic language of prehistoric and ancient mythological religion. It is therefore essential to know them in order to understand this sacred language.

The site exploded internationally in a very short space of time! (Source Google analytics)

My selection of the latest blog posts taken from my books and available in the Read online section

After the deciphering of the rock frescoes analysed in the previous articles, this article demonstrates that the civilisations of Sumer, Egypt and Hittite did not name their religious centres (Kish, Gizeh) or their civilisation (Hatti) at random, but chose a name referring directly to one of the major names of the primordial father of humanity, deified after his death: kisha (or kissa) and its major ideographic symbols or double meanings (the equine (donkey, horse), the stag, the thorn bush, the broom).


Comparison table between rock signs and proto-Sumerian signs

Previous scientific research on this subject and its conclusions

Fundamental errors made by archaeologists

A true objective analysis of ideographic writing

This article will decipher the ideographic figure of the black bull in the Lascaux cave. This deciphering was carried out using the proto-Sumerian ideographic language and its associated languages, Sumerian and hieroglyphic.

This article will translate the entire fresco on the large panel in the Marsoulas cave using the proto-Sumerian ideographic language and its associated languages, Sumerian and hieroglyphic. This article is one of ten deciphering examples taken from the book “Deciphering the language of caves” that illustrate in concrete terms the fact that the pairs of animals and signs identified by archaeologists and dated to the Upper Palaeolithic actually correspond in every respect to the protosumerian ideographic language, the oldest known ideographic language.

This article deciphers the bull / auroch fresco and its signs, in the proto-Sumerian ideographic language and its associated languages: Sumerian and hieroglyphic. He proves that this is the great prehistoric divinity and reveals his name.

Explanation through analysis of the symbols of Tanit and the sacred Sumerian and hieroglyphic etymology

Associated with the symbols of the Egyptian Ankh, the Eye of Providence (Deists, Freemasons, Illuminati) and the Cross.

This article will provide a foundation stone for understanding the profound symbolism of certain specific cave hands and of all the symbols listed, demonstrating through their interconnection the universality and timelessness of this hidden aspect of the cult of the great divinity, celebrated by paganism from prehistoric times right up to the present day.

This article explains why the Mother Goddess and the great deities were depicted in a crouching position.

We will see the link with the belief in their power to bring fertility to the world of the living and, above all, rebirth to the dead.

We’ll also look at the close link between this representation and the symbolic category of fluids.